Saturday, March 14, 2015


    We left in snow on Wednesday.  Good time to go south, we thought.  At Pueblo, we had a few seconds of sunshine.  Then the big fat flakes started falling and would continue to fall until sundown when we were somewhere south of Las Vegas, NM.  There was little snow at Santa Fe where we spent the night, but it was eighteen degrees.
     A late departure from Santa Fe found us arriving in the Phoenix area at 10 p.m. where it was a balmy sixty degrees.  Goodbye overcoat for the next five days.
    We would visit three museums including the children’s museum, watch two Rockies games (Cubs and Reds), stand by as the kids took dips in the motel’s unheated swimming pool, visit relatives of relatives, and spend a small fortune on supper (no need to mention ball park fare).  A small highlight:  in Scottsdale traffic we followed a dump truck with a vanity license plate, “DRTDIVA”.  We just had to get around it to see who was driving.  Sure enough, a female, and she had other feminine decorations on the doors.  Sorry, we didn’t get a name.  (You are forgiven for maybe thinking that anyone so easily amused shouldn’t need to take a trip to Arizona.)                  
     Tuesday we departed the desert.  Time to dig out the coats at Flagstaff.  We aimed for Montrose, but after a short visit with friends in Dolores, we wore out in Telluride.  Something went terribly wrong with the Chrysler’s compass as we wandered around trying to find lodging.  (It was slow going.  My first thought—fix the dang streets.  My second thought:  no need to worry about anxious skiers speeding—don’t fix the streets.)  We had to drive five blocks to get to the parking lot just on the other side of the hotel.  With the malfunctioning compass (the sun  rose in the west) we spent thirty minutes finding the parking lot.
      We spent Wednesday night in Paonia with friends.  Thursday afternoon found us parked in the driveway in Loveland.
     But don’t think you can find us at home.  Friday we took off for the farm, ultimate destination Colby on Saturday where we will take in the barbershop show and visit many a friend.

 What $70 gets you in Santa Fe.

What $100 got us in Phoenix (model for illustration only-- not included in package deal)

                                                             Panning for Gold

 Oasis in the hot desert sun

Vail Pass Summit


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