Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Old and the New

     I am an Isthmus linking 1872 to 21??.  I was a senior in college in January of 1969 when “Papa” died at the age of 96 years and 11 months.  Bronson and many of his cousins could easily live to see the end of the 21st century.  (Disclaimer:  Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Life involves some risk.   Read life’s prospectus and invest carefully.)
     My generation links potentially over 200 years, from 1872 to and into the 22nd century.  Memorial Day brings out such speculation.  Baby showers, too, maybe.

     A new generation takes over the Memorial Day duties.

     Then we celebrate a new birth and a new generation.



Four generations spanning 1928 to 2014.

      So, in the space of one week, we have taken time to remember our dead, and to celebrate our new arrivals.  C’est la vie.


1 comment:

  1. For a second, I thought Bronson had the same bad habit as you - wearing the same outfit to multiple parties and getting caught! But it turns out that your lead photo was from the shower, not from Memorial Day. Phew.
