Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 2014

     Spring has sprung.  Oh fickle April.

      Nothing wrong with your eyes or the photograph. Whiteout on Sunday April 13, 2014.
So we went to “Fiddler on the Roof” presented by Colby Community College with lots of help from community players.
     A half dozen young men in the cast are or have been part of the barbershop group, so I thought we should go.  Bravely (foolhardily?) we ventured out into the snow storm.  A check of the radar showed no snow in Colby. Sure enough, about ten miles south and we were out of the snow.

     Dan and his three sons all joined the barbershop group last fall.  He played the would-be, soon-to-be-jilted, suitor for the oldest daughter.  His wife Lois played the violin and clarinet in the three-piece orchestra (keyboard and bass).  Son John was the fiddler, Brock a townsman.

      Matt played the rabbi, Luke (Dan’s youngest son), the rabbi’s son, and Andy the show’s star, the impoverished father of four daughters  Those folks worked hard and did a good job..  It was a pleasant way to while away an unpleasant weather afternoon.  

      In other news, Neighbor Lee called to say the Dutch kissing dolls were safe.  What?!  They almost got decapitated, he said. 
     He was driving along when he noticed a cloud of dust emanating from our CRP patch.  Then he saw the three guys living on the Ratliff place out in the yard looking around, so he stopped in to see what was up.  They heard a loud boom and they thought one of their trailers must have blown up a water heater or something.
     The cloud of dust was from a blade from old number 117 hitting the ground.  They figured the blade must have struck the tower to make that loud a noise. 

     I went up to rescue the dolls.  There were guys there “inspecting” they told me.  They had reinstalled the gate and were in the process of locking it.  They didn’t want me to go in there, but I told them I would just grab the dolls and get out.  So they waited for me.  I didn’t have time to check on the tulips.  Que sera sera.

      I planted a bunch of trees (replacements) and was too tired to sneak up there and take a look after they left.  
    Back to Kansas and the deck.

    I am hopeful I can finish that story one of these days.

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